Saturday, February 5, 2011

Truth, or Suffer the Consequences

There used to be an old television game show called Truth or Consequences when I was growing up. I don’t really remember much about the show, because I truly hate game shows. They are nothing more than mindless pap for the masses. I hate them so much, in fact, that I tell people that my idea of Hell is being shackled to a chair and forced to watch Wheel of Fortune, The Price Is Right, and Who Wants to Be a Millionaire simultaneously for eternity.

The reason I titled this blog as such, however, is because I’ve been thinking a lot about truth, trust, lies, and consequences lately. Most lies are based on a modicum of truth, that is, the liar usually laces a bit of truth in with the falsehood to make it more believable. Sometimes people think that you are saving others a lot of heartache by not being entirely truthful, but this is not so. There is a saying, “Break my heart with the truth before you lose my trust with a lie.” There is nothing worse than lying to erode trust, which is not easily built and is the foundation for all solid relationships.

Is there such a thing as being too truthful? Yes. Sometimes you don’t have to tell somebody everything you know if you know they are incapable of dealing with the truth emotionally, which brings us to another saying: “Some things are better left unsaid.” So how do you know when too much truth is enough truth? Hard to say, but I think you have to assess that individually and be tactful.

There is not much that rankles me more than a liar, I will say that. I make my living based on telling the truth, or at least the truth as it has been revealed to me. When I discover someone has lied to me, it does not come without consequences. Usually, I have to erase that person from my life because they are of no use to me.

A liar is a liar is a liar. It is that simple.

1 comment:

  1. People tend to use lies to justify their own self-worth. Phrases like, "fake it till you make it" and " it's not a lie if you believe it" have become the norm in social and cyber social interaction.

    The internet and social networks have allowed people to become whomever they want. It's become the norm to mis-represent yourself and your history to the masses.

    Honestly is always the best policy -- even if it's boring or hurts.
